Wednesday, January 27, 2010

33 weeks~

Seven more to go! We have been busy since Saturday trying to keep Gracie's room from looking like Babies R' Us blew up. I am ready to start washing all the clothes, bedding, and blankets so they are ready for her. I am starting to get a little more tired by the end of the day, and am no longer able to stay on my feet for all my classes, which I feel bad about...this week is Spirit Week at school, complete with dress-up days (hence the picture in the CAL gear and pom poms, it was "Sports Fan Day"). We had an appointment today...I took off the sports gear for the doc...and he informed me this was my last "boring appointment" that after today we will be checking on baby, talking about delivery, etc. say it has gone by so fast would be an understatement. I just can't wait to see what she looks like and to hold her. I will add pictures of her room as soon as we finish getting all this stuff put away!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy these last couple of weeks Chelsie!!! They go by so fast. Make sure you and Tim go out on some dates and enjoy time together just the two of you. Jim and I are finally going on our first date since Timmy was born...and it only took us 18 months :)
